List of College of American Pathologists (CAP) webinars about cancer pathology reporting

Watch over 50 CAP education sessions to learn about cancer checklists and protocols for pathology reporting

The Partnership, the Canadian Association of Pathologists (CAP-ACP) and Cancer Care Ontario (CCO) organized these education sessions, which started in 2010.

These sessions teach about the checklists and protocols for examining specimens from patients with different types of cancer. Pathologists use the protocols to report effectively about diagnostic and prognostic findings, which are critical to patient care and the collection of collaborative stage data.

In July 2009, CAP-ACP endorsed CAP cancer protocols as the standard for all cancer-pathology reporting across Canada. Multidisciplinary teams created the protocols, which are supported by CAP in both paper and digital formats. As of 2018, six Canadian provinces have implemented the protocols with the help of CAP-ACP.

Video content

CAP sessions from 2019

CAP sessions from 2018

CAP Sessions from 2017

CAP sessions from 2016

CAP sessions from 2015

CAP sessions from 2014

CAP sessions from 2013

CAP sessions from 2012

CAP sessions from 2011

CAP sessions from 2010


- last updated March 2021 -