To advocate for the health of our planet and to educate pathologists, pathologists' assistants, physicians and the public about environmental issues in the laboratory and outside, and how these affect our health.
CAP-ACP Environment NSN Webinar and Green Lab Award Winner Presentation
April, 2025 TBA
- The Royal College of Pathologists. Histopathology and cytopathology of limited or no clinical value, October 2019. https://www.rcpath.org/static/6516e9e7-4a23-4839-a8537c40c882a3b9/cbc1d100-3372-482d-a34268bafa829100/G177-BPR-histopathology-and-cytopathology-limited-or-no-clinical-value.pdf
- McGill Sustainable Labs Guide https://www.mcgill.ca/sustainability/engage/lab-certification/sustainable-labs-guide
- Dalhousie University Office of Sustainability. Sustainable Event Checklist.
- Green Office Toolkitfrom the Canadian Coalition for Green Healthcare
- Sustainability Health Care Guide for Boards, Executive Leaders, and Medical Staff: Meeting Standards and Beyond, developed by PEACH and CCGHC
- Advocacy Toolkit.Samantha Green, MD, CCFP, Faculty Lead in Climate Change and Health, Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto
- Climate Change Toolkit from the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment.This includes a module on environmental actions for health care institutions
- Chief Public Health Officer of Canada's Report on the State of Public Health in Canada 2023. Creating the Conditions for Resilient Communities: A Public Health Approach to Emergencies https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/phac-aspc/documents/corporate/publications/chief-public-health-officer-reports-state-public-health-canada/state-public-health-canada-2023/report/report.pdf
- Lancet Countdown.Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change
- How to talk about climate change
- The New Climate War,by renowned scientist Michael Man, as antidote to despair and inaction
- It's us, it's real, experts agree, it's bad, there's hope.An inspiring message from the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication
Links to Planetary Health Organizations for Health Care Professionals
- Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
- My Green Lab
- Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care https://greenhealthcare.ca/
- CASCADES https://cascadescanada.ca/
- PEACH https://www.peachhealthontario.com/
If you would like to lean more or become a member, please contact us at:
613-507-8528 | info@cap-acp.org.
- last updated May 2024 -